Sunday, May 20, 2012

Figuring It All Out

So I had a great idea on one of my runs.  I thought it would be cool to take my readers along with me and video tape my run on the day.  Well as we all know sometimes the best intentions do not always fall into place.  I had my phone with me, I was loaded up with my pack, wearing my AT Cure gear, and set out for a short infomercial style run.

I had a great one on one session with, you, my reader.  I told you what I was feeling when I run.  I explained the process of taking on the task of being a representative of something much bigger than yourself.  Taking on the ultra marathon could become a very daunting feat, if I were to look at the task as a whole.  Fortunately I take all my training one day at a time.

Also on this run, I spoke of the passion I have for everything that I do.  I care deeply about how I represent those that have asked me to do so.  I stress the importance of being an honorable person.  Seeing every task and every day through clear to the end.  I know what I have commited to.  I explained that there will be ups and downs.  I have been through some already.  It takes a team.

I had to cut off at this point in the filming because I made a turn into the headwind, so at this time you can pause reading. Stretch, run in place, grab a jump rope.  Go to and donate to my team Jason AT Cure.

Picking back up in the filming a bit more sweaty, I answered some more figurative questions.  The big one being what do you think about when you run or train for that matter?  Considering I train for Ironman as well as ultra marathon this is a three part answer. When I swim, I think, "stroke, pull, breathe, that chick next to me is hot (yes dear that is you), stroke, pull, breathe."  When I bike, I think, "Put the hammer down, keep your mouth closed and your ears open, steady rythym, let it fly." 

Finally when I run, I think, "I run for those that can't.  I do not like to run, but I can run.  It is relaxing, but I hate to run. I can run, and I will run. I will run for however long it takes.  I run for myself, my wife and my boys.  I hate to run.  I am running because I am committed. I am running because I believe in the cause.  I believe that there is nothing stronger than family.  I am running because I can make a difference."

Well, this all came out great on my little video.  But here is why this is not a video blog.  I did not realize that when I filmed from my phone that I had to turn the phone sideways.  When I went to download the video, I had to turn the computer sideways in order to watch it properly.  So if you happen to know how to change the rotation of video from a camera phone would you help me out.

Thanks again for helping me to make a difference.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homework, Educate, and Set Forth

I had a great conversation with one of my athletes the other day.  He has been an active runner for some time and is becoming a bit bored with were he is at.  He loves to run, but was searching for more. He found my card in a race a bag and thought triathlon may be the ticket to rejuvinating his passion for fitness.

Coach Bernie is ready to Hurt
When he came to me he knew nothing about the sport other than it was a swim, a bike, and a run.  He did not know how to swim, and he lacked an actual bike.  He could run like the dickens though.  Well we hit the pool and he discovered that through a little persistance he would be able to survive and even do well in the swim portion.  With a little monetary investment on his part he was able to purchase a bike and he was now on his way to becoming a triathlete.

Having yet to compete in a triathlon, he has already begun the search for something more meaningful to direct his training.  My athlete works with a father that I have networked with a couple of years ago when I started my club's Stinkfoot 5k.  Greg, has two daughters with AT (  Greg has asked my athlete to join in the cause in some manner.

My athlete has been following my exploits with my new venture Worth the Hurt and saw a possible opportunity to get more involved.  It is my thought that all a person needs is information and purpose and they can make a world of difference.  Do your homework, educate yourself, then set your mission.  Too often people rush in to something only to fizzle in the end or just dabble rather than making the true commitment.

It is with Worth the Hurt and the families of AT Cure that I am setting forth to make my difference.  I am ready to leave my mark.  As I watched helplessly as one of the families I just got to know lose their child, I really had to wonder if I could make a difference. It is with subtle acts of kindness and help from total strangers we can make a difference in a family or child's life. 

Two athletes with a Very big heart
I think my athlete is on the right track.  When you get involved in changing your life, you find not only you change yours but you begin to help change others.  He will leave his mark.  I will leave mine,  question now is, will you?